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Sacred Order A∴A∴ |
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law
The A∴A∴ is the genuinely holy and invisible Order that has operated under various names and guises throughout history to guide humanity's spiritual evolution. The goals of the A.'.A.'. have inspired spiritual exploration and inquiry throughout human history. Its methods are science and empirical knowledge; its aims are those of religion (meaning permanent spiritual or transpersonal attainments) - all for the betterment of all sentient beings.
Every known magical order, mystery school, religion, or other structure sharing portions of Wisdom or Light is or has been but an Outer Vehicle of this Inner Fellowship of Light. Highly realized individuals, Masters of Wisdom and completely liberated souls, guide this Inner and Secret Fellowship.
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In the present writing, however, the label A.'.A.'. is used in reference to not that Eternal Order, but to the outer structure of the Order, which started in 1906 e.v. by two Adepts: Aleister Crowley and George Cecil Jones.
This outer structure of the Order survives today through several groups.
While there is only one true Eternal A∴A∴ Order, there is no "preferred" or "the correct" and "one true" link to the Order. How could there be?
There are sincere seekers, serious adepts, and dedicated aspirants working their way up along the guidelines of this external Order in all of the groups listed below. If I single out one (i.e., mine) as the only true one, I indirectly deny all the others.
Genuine seekers are therefore invited to not confuse the Sempiternal A∴A∴ Order with the impermanent structures and groups listed below.
Temporal A∴A∴ Order, as installed by Crowley and Jones, is only a system or a structure that can and indeed does contribute to the development of a sincere aspirant. However, it is still only a system, much like systems that predate it by thousands of years (i.e., Advaita Vedanta, Sri Vidya Tantra, Theravada, Authentic Kabbalah, and Vajrayana, to name a few).
Master Thetion shares the same notion:
"...the [A∴A∴] system which was given to me to put forward is only one of many. “Above the Abyss” all these technical wrinkles are ironed out."
- Magick Without Tears, ch. 9.
Even more, there is no need to believe in exclusivity and the special position of the A.'.A.'.:
"...Many people may go through the ordeals and attain the degrees of the A.'.A.'. without ever hearing that such an Order exists. The universe is, in fact, busy with nothing else, for the relation of the Order to it is that of the man of science to his subject. He writes CaCl2 + H2SO4 = CaSO4 + 2HCl for his own convenience and that of others, but the operation was always in progress independently."
- Confessions, p. 68
If you are eager to join our noble Order, however, this might be an important notion:
No one can grant you the link to the Eternal A∴A∴ Order, no matter what, for true inspiration and lasting realizations only come from within.
Only you and you alone can do that through realizing and actualizing your inner potential:
"The Master Therion warns all Aspirants to the Sacred Wisdom and the Magick of Light that Initiation cannot be bought, or even conferred; it must be won by personal endeavour."
(Letter from A. Crowley to W. T. Smith, 1934, e.v.)
Putting politics and childish rivalry among the major players aside and keeping the above words in mind, genuine seekers are therefore invited to research the groups that are offering training and support along the lines of Master Therion's A∴A∴ Order (links are in random order, new pages open up):
In addition to the links above, the website run by like-minded Fraters, Astrum Argenteum, is a collaborative effort in service to the A∴ A∴ – their goal is to provide resources and historical information concerning the One Order. Visit the website here >> (a new page opens up)
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Having shared the above notions, I do not comment on the groups' validity. Good luck!
"There is no law beyond Do what thou wilt."
(Liber AL, III:60)
Love is the law, love under will.
Whatever group of the A∴A∴ Order one belongs to, these books offer a wealth of information:
Instructions by Aleister Crowley for His Own Magical Order >>
Important introduction texts:
(new pages open up)
(new pages open up)
- An Account of A∴ A∴ sub figurâ XXXIII >>
- One Star in Sight sub figurâ CDLXXXIX >>
- Curriculum of the A∴A∴ >>
- Other Libri of foundational interest and import for A∴A∴ >>
Whatever group of the A∴A∴ Order one belongs to, these books offer a wealth of information:
The Mystical and Magical System of the A .'. A .'.
- The Spiritual System of Aleister Crowley & George Cecil Jones Step-by-Step
- The Spiritual System of Aleister Crowley & George Cecil Jones Step-by-Step